Oftentimes our clients are unsure of the type of organization to form. Is it better to set up an LLC versus a partnership? What about a PLLC or even a corporation? To determine which business entity will be most effective for each client, we provide legal and business advisory on things such as taxation, operational control and potential personal liability concerns.
Our extensive knowledge and experience has led us to work with many startup businesses and address key considerations with stakeholders such as:
A business formation attorney is a vital component when starting a business. The type of business entity you select can have an impact on taxes and other financial issues associated with the business. Our business lawyer at Reiss and Lamar has developed valuable legal and financial strategies working across a number of different industries, including tech, food and beverage, construction, and real estate.
When starting a business it is important that all the key stakeholders are aligned from the start. Our extensive business planning experience helps us anticipate many of the traditional growing pains, interpersonal disagreements and business mistakes that can hinder the financial growth and security of the new business. Our business attorney and CPA spend a great deal of time with clients upfront to ensure a sound business plan is executed. We draft operating agreements for LLC, partnership agreements identifying roles and responsibilities and shareholder agreements for corporations.
The team at Reiss and Lamar understand the financial, legal and tax implications new business owners have to face. Which is why their goal is to provide the necessary resources and counsel to empower entrepreneurs and achieve their goals for owning a successful business.
Contact us for legal or tax advice for you or your business.
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